Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Now a word from our Super Bowl sponors

Everyone except New England Patriots fans agrees this was one of the few Super Bowls in which the game was actually more entertaining than the commercials. Still though, there were a few good advertising moments. It's impossible for anyone to know which one was the best, but I've selected a few highlights to share with you today as you try to shake off your post-Super Tuesday hangover. You found out the hard way that watching election results come in isn't nearly as fun as watching football. I hope you weren't that drunk when you voted. If you did, I'm sorry to tell you but you voted for Mike Huckabee.

This is a cute one they made for all the little children forced to watch the game with a babysitter. They don't like their babysitter because all she does is talk on the telephone the whole time and doesn't pay any attention to them. Their parents should feel guilty for leaving them with a blabbermouth ding bat while they have a good time at the neighbors' Super Bowl party. They aren't old enough to understand the complexities of a blitzing scheme or an audible on third down but they understand this commercial. It's making them thirsty but the babysitter won't get off the phone long enough to get them a nice cold beverage. "When will this stupid game end?," the small child cries, "I want my Mommy."

Notice on this one you don't see any pigeon crap. Not a drop. Anybody who lives in an urban area with a lot of statues knows those flying rats poop everywhere. If there were really pigeons big enough to fly off with a compact car wouldn't you expect to see mountains of bird crap? You're still traumatized from the time one did its business on your head, so I can understand if you couldn't stand to watch this commercial. But either the film crew that shot this commercial did some excellent camera work or it's completely fake.

This guy gives a piece of chewing gum to Carmen Electra and now he gets to sleep with her.

Not to be outdone by Coca-Cola and its flying cartoon characters, Pepsi brings in some real star power. Coke targets small children, Pepsi goes after the hip teenage crowd. While I like the Coca-Cola ad better, Pepsi's marketing strategy is smarter. Many obsessive and overbearing parents forbid their kids from drinking beverage with lots of sugar and caffeine. You let your kids drink 2-3 cans of Cherry Coke a day and now they are hyperactive and diabetic. That doesn't mean you're a bad parent. It just means you are irresponsible.

Shouldn't Shaq be practicing free throws instead of horse racing?

I don't think I really need to comment on this one. If you don't understand it you will when you're an adult.

This one's inappropriate for prime time audiences. Like you I thought at first that her boob popped out, like an exploding breast implant. But it's her heart. Don't you think she'd be dead if that really happened? I guess not since it's still beating. But wouldn't there be blood everywhere? I hope she found another job before she quit or at least got an interview. It's hard not having gainful employment in these difficult economic times. You lose all your benefits and you don't get any paid vacation time off.

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